Sturgeon Cooperator Patches

Patch 1

Back in May of 2011 the directors of St. Clair-Detroit River Sturgeon for Tomorrow (SCDR-SFT) first discussed the idea of providing a patch to anglers who reported catching a tagged lake sturgeon.  The intent of the cooperator patch was to provide an incentive to anglers to report caught tagged lake sturgeon and increase data returns to state and federal fisheries biologists.  If an angler reported the tag number, date, length, and location of a landed tagged lake sturgeon, they would be provided a unique collector patch similar to other cooperator patches used for game species.  In July 2011 the board reviewed a concept of the design from Windswept Marketing that was approved and an order for 100 patches was placed.  The following month we confirmed that the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division would distribute the patches to the anglers reporting tagged fish.  By November of 2011 a total of 13 tagged lake sturgeon were reported which was the 3rd highest at the time.  The blue color of the patch represents water and the rocks and weeds represent habitat for spawning and feeding.

Patch 2

In May of 2013 the board of directors were concerned that the first patch numbers were running low and a second patch was necessary.  In early 2014 the board approved a second patch concept based on pencil drawing done by President Jim Felgenauer’s sister-in-law Dorothea Fuller based on a photo of spawning sturgeon taken on the Black River in northern Michigan.  Another 100 patches were ordered from Windswept Marketing so the second patches would be available in time for the 2014 Michigan lake sturgeon fishing season.  In December of 2014, there were 24 tagged sturgeon reported to the DNR which was the highest ever reported at the time.  The second patches were so popular, the DNR biologists reported that patch collectors were offering to pay for patches, however the board of directors agreed patches were only for reported tagged lake sturgeon.

Patch 3

In 2015 the third patch was needed for the upcoming sturgeon angling season.  The third patch design was chosen as one of 6 designs submitted by the graphics team at Phillips Sign and Lighting.  Thanks to Ed Phillips for a great job on this one.

Patch 4

In January 2017, the board discussed soliciting ideas for a third patch idea from members and local artists.  A request was sent out for a new design and a sketch submitted by Elizabeth Guc was selected by the public as a favorite of several choices during the Blue Water Sturgeon Festival held in Port Huron. Her hand drawn picture was given to the Phillips team to finalize the graphic work.  This forth patch design represents the Colony Tower in Clay Township, the Sturgeon Angling Capital of Michigan.  The Patch was made by the Shelby Patch Company.

2021 Patch

At the January 2020 board meeting, the idea of a 10th Anniversary patch was first discussed.   The board agreed the patch design should include 4 items: a sturgeon, the 10-year anniversary, our SC-DR SFT logo, and the DNR logo on the patch.   SC-DR SFT Director and Secretary Mike Thomas suggested an idea of a patch design based on a memory of a particularly acrobatic 65-inch lake sturgeon he caught a few years ago.  The fish jumped 5 times, all within about 10 yards of the boat, reflecting the boat’s LED lights off its white belly.  Mikes daughter, Katelin Thomas, a skilled artist with a BFA degree, created the artwork and designed the patch.  Katie used the Procreate app on her iPad to create the artwork.  Shelby Patch Company again made the patches and 30 went to Black Lake Sturgeon for Tomorrow and 100 went to Andrew Briggs of the DNR Fisheries Division for distribution.

Designed by Maxwell Mayfield in early 2023.  Maxwell came up with the design in the last couple of weeks at school in Yale Highschool.  His earth science teacher informed and encouraged the class to create draft patch designs for consideration as a new cooperator patch, which Maxwell was interested in. During class he created this patch design using Procreate on his iPad Pro. Maxwell's teacher was part of the 2022-2023 Sturgeon-in-the-Classroom program and had a sturgeon in his class named Scoots.

In the summer of 2023, Chael Amiels designed artwork the 7th lake sturgeon managment cooperator patch.  Chael was 11 years old at the time and his design was one of ten selected for the Blue Water Sturgeon Festial art contest for 5th graders.  Chael art work took first place in the contest and subsequently was choosen for the design of this patch.  Chael loves drawing and art and is a super smart little boy that loves helping his community.



" A non-profit organization dedicated to the future of lake sturgeon within the Huron-Erie Corridor."



St. Clair-Detroit River
Sturgeon for Tomorrow

281 Southbound Gratiot
Mount Clemens, Michigan, 48043



PHONE: 810-734-4426

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